Write down all the food you eat in a single dinner

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Reference no: EM132413417


Ethically analyze the food you eat.

a. In the next week, write down all the food you eat in a single dinner (not breakfast or lunch). In the first paragraph of the paper, describe the meal and why you chose to eat these particular foods.

b. In the next two to three paragraphs, provide an ethical analysis of this meal. What ethical questions does your meal pose? Make a strong of case as you can that your meal is unethical. At the very least, pose at two or three potential ethical problems with the food you eat. Note, you do not have to agree with the arguments you make here. The point is to articulate the ethical issues.

c. In the last two to three paragraphs, respond to the critiques of your food choices. The strongest papers will respond directly to the arguments developed in section b and not merely provide counterarguments.

d. After analyzing b and c, what do you ultimately think about your food choices? Are your food choices ethical?

Your paper should be 800 words, double space, and in a normal font (Times New Roman, Garamond).

Verified Expert

The foods considered for single dinner are brown rice with a vegetable bowl, grilled salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables and milk. These foods have been selected since it balances diet with vegetables, starchy food, protein food and carbohydrate food.The meal have balanced both the ethical and unethical choices of eating.The cruel treatment of animals, damages to the environment, the unintentional impacts of food policies, food shortages for other people and exploitative labor practices has been considered as the potential ethical issues. It has been noticed that being a strict vegetarian is the only option for eating habit for ethical food choices

Reference no: EM132413417

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