Write an essay on a current technology issue

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Reference no: EM132822134

Assignment: For this assignment you will write a two-page essay on a current technology issue.

You may choose one of the technology issues from the list. Research your topic using a popular search engine or other resources. Print out at least three articles that you will use as sources for your project. Read and highlight the important and pertinent facts that you want included in your project.

Write a two-page essay (double spaced) on the topic. As with all of the issues, there are positive and negative points to consider. I want you to present facts derived from your research, and then state your opinion on your topic. You must have 3 references.

Technology Issue Topics

• Who Is Reading Your Email? (Email Privacy)

• Why Recycle Computers?

• What are the Consequences of Software Piracy?

• Is Your Computer Making You Sick?

• Why Pay for Internet Access if You Can Get It for Free? (Free Wi-Fi)

• Prosecuting Computer Crimes

• Regulating the Web

• Digital Rights Management

• Computer Ethics

• Cyber terrorism

• Cyber bullying

• Identity Theft

• Texting While Driving

Reference no: EM132822134

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