Write an essay about the assassination of abraham lincoln

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131817012


The Anasazi Indians
Christopher Columbus
The "Lost Colony" of Roanoke
The Jamestown Colony
John Winthrop
William Penn
Anne Hutchinson
The Great Awakening
The Salem Witch Trials
Bacon's Rebellion
The Battle of Quebec
The Stamp Act
The Boston Massacre
The Sons of Liberty
The Boston Tea Party
Sam Adams
Patrick Henry
Paul Revere
Thomas Paine
The Declaration of Independence
The Battle of Lexington/Concord
The Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Trenton
Ethan Allen and The "Green Mountain Boys"
The Battle of Princeton
The Battle of Germantown
John Paul Jones
Valley Forge
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Cowpens
The Battle of Yorktown
The Treaty of Paris (1783)
Shay's Rebellion
The Constitutional Convention
The Atlantic Passage (of slaves)
George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
John Adams
Abigail Adams
Thomas Jefferson
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Zebulon Pike
Stephen Long
The Barbary Pirates War
James Madison
John Marshall
The War of 1812
Oliver Hazard Perry
The USS Constitution
The Battle of New Orleans
Henry Clay
The Erie Canal
The Missouri Compromise
James Monroe
The Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams
Daniel Webster
Andrew Jackson
The Nullification Crisis
John C. Calhoun
The Trail of Tears
Martin van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
Robert Fulton
The McCormick Reaper
The "Mill Towns" of New England
Samuel Colt
Irish Immigration (1830s-1850s)
The "Know Nothings"
The Second Great Awakening
Brigham Young
Emily Dickenson
Herman Melville
Edgar Allan Poe
DoroThea Dix
Frederick Douglass
The Battle of The Alamo
The Seneca Falls Convention
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
James Polk
The Mexican-American War
Winfield Scott
Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Jim Bridger
John C. Fremont
The Cotton Gin
The Compromise of 1850
Samuel Morse
Sojourner Truth
"Bleeding Kansas"
Franklin Pierce
Harriet Tubman
James Buchanan
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Abraham Lincoln
Harper's Ferry Revolt
Fort Sumter
Jefferson Davis
The Battle of Bull Run (First or Second)
George McClellan
Robert E. Lee
William T. Sherman
Ulysses S. Grant
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Atlanta
The Battle of The Wilderness
The Siege of Petersburg
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
The Reconstruction of The South

Here are all The requirement

Essay Assignment

There will be one research essay writing assignment. The essay must be a MINIMUM of 1500 words in length (it can be longer if you wish). You will select ONE topic from a list provided in The Essay Assignment folder (in The Lessons/Content area). The basic guidelines for each essay are as follows:

• Your essay must be based on any ONE of The topics from The list provided in The Essay Assignment folder (in The Lessons/Content section).

• Your essays should be a MINIMUM of 1500 words. The essays can be longer, if you wish, but not shorter!

• You may use any accepted "style" (Chicago, MLA, APA, etc.) you wish, but your papers should be clear, detailed, and grammatically correct (be sure to proofread!). Points will be lost if this is not The case.

• Use direct quotes very sparingly (perhaps one or two brief quotes per essay) and only to highlight a point or two that you are trying to make.

• It is NOT acceptable to recycle your own papers from previous classes and try to use Them in this class! (yes, this has actually happened in The past)

• For The essay you will need to use The internet as your primary source for information (though you may also use books, periodicals, and even The textbook---though The textbook usually doesn't cover things in enough detail to be very useful in writing essays).

• You should use at least 3-4 internet sites while researching your essay. The essay should contain a bibliography page that lists The sites (and any oTher sources) used.

• Do not use any images (pictures, maps, graphs, etc.) in your essay. It often makes it more difficult to upload your file.

• VERY IMPORTANT!: Completed essays should be submitted as Word (.doc) documents in The dropbox provided within each assignment. If you do not have Word, you should save your essay as a rich text file (.rtf). This can be done easily by clicking "Save As" and Then selecting "rich text file" under "File type."

• The essay is worth 100 points.

• Essays will be submitted through The "Essay Assignment" folder. This folder can be found by clicking on The "Assignments" button on our website.


Reference no: EM131817012

Questions Cloud

Random from the population of women : A young woman is chosen at random from the population of women in their twenties, whose waist circumference is a normal random variable.
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Probability that a randomly chosen boy at the start : Weights in kilograms of boys at the start of 1st grade are approximately normal with mean 25, standard deviation 5. Use the 68- 95-99.7
Standard deviations above the mean : Children's gross motor development is assessed with an overall motor quotient, MQ, which follows an approximate normal distribution, with mean.
Write an essay about the assassination of abraham lincoln : Write an essay about The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Your essays should be a MINIMUM of 1500 words. The essays can be longer, if you wish but not shorter.
Standard deviations the mean and unexceptional otherwise : Children's fitness is assessed by finding the distance, in meters, that they can run in 6 minutes. Overall, this distance varies fairly normally
Evaluating the voting process and certifying the outcome : Evaluating the voting process and certifying the outcome for Rolling Stone Magazine's "Greatest Singer of All Time" poll
Rule for normal distributions asserts : The 68-95-99.7 Rule for normal distributions asserts that the probability is 0.95 that a standardized score z falls between 2 and +2. Tell whether
Define the concepts of leadership development : Define the concepts of leadership development. Describe a situation at work in which you used one or more of these practices.


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