Write a working thesis and topic sentences

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131680235

English Assignment- Compare and Contrast Essay


Every great essay begins with an idea. Decide on a topic that you have a strong interest in. What subjects do you already have knowledge about? You will find writing your essay easier if you write about a topic that you already know something about.

• Find two opposing points of views or two similar points of view from authors who have already written something on the topic you are using.

• This is a 3-5 page, typed, double spaced essay comparing and contrasting the opinions/texts of two different authors.

Use the words from your toolbox, i.e. genre, intended audience, stance, purpose, medium, tone, and context to analyze your two articles.

Successful papers will demonstrate powerful reading and analytical skill, close attention to the primary essay, good judgment selecting and using the secondary source, original thinking, clarity of thought and purpose. The essay must be in the proper format.

ESSAY STRUCTURE: Your first paragraph is your introduction. Make your thesis the last sentence in your introduction. Prove your thesis in the body. Body paragraphs should open with a topic sentence that supports your thesis. A body paragraph should prove its topic sentence with evidence and examples. Your concluding paragraph should not simply repeat the body; it should go with your introduction and body, but take a step out somehow.

TITLE: Title your paper to help your reader anticipate your subject. A good title is one that cannot be used for every paper on your topic; it goes with your paper exactly.


1. Brainstorm: take a few seconds of reflection as ideas begin to come to mind and write them down. There will probably be five or six key topics that are of interest.

2. Define your topic and write down as many facts that you personally know about the topic.

3. Research: Using the data base at the library, search for your topic, pick a few articles that catch your attention. Read and reread the two articles you picked until you fully understand the argument and opinion of each author.

4. Planning: Write a working thesis and topic sentences. Outline each article.

5. Start writing: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence. A well-written thesis will suggest the organization of the essay.

INFORM AND PERSUADE by including some of these patterns of development:

• Definition:

How do you define this? How does the dictionary define it? What is the history of this term/topic? Does everyone agree on its definition, and why or why not? If not, what points are in dispute?

• Illustration

What examples of this are particularly helpful in explaining it?

• Process:

How does this work? How do you do this?

• Cause and Effect:

What causes this? How often does it happen? What might prevent it from happening? What are its effects? What may happen because of it in the short term? What may happen as a result of it over time?

• Comparison and Contrast:

What is similar to this, and how? Is this more or less desirable than the similar thing?

• Classification and Division: Of what larger group is this member? Or, what are its parts? How can this be subdivided? Are there certain types or kinds of this?

The final portfolio must contain an outline of the articles you are using, the 1st rough draft and 2nd draft. The final draft must be typed and double spaced. An electronic file of the final essay needs to be uploaded on Canvas.

Reference no: EM131680235

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