Write a script that finds the name of the customer

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132083551

Note: Using SQL Server 2014. Database being used: MyGuitarShop. As far as I know, you CANNOT use 'create procedure'. Do not create your own database please.

Side note: The (1) and (2) displayed below represent the # of variables. Total variables being used in the question is '2'.

Write a script that finds (1) The name of the customer who made the largest order and (2) the value of that largest order.

Store the name and the value of the order in two different variables and then print using the two variables.

A sample print statement with the correct customer and order value "The largest order of $1678.60 was made by Christine Brown"

Hint: This problem may require you to use a table variable to store information that you will use to get to the required information. There may be multiple ways to solve this problem.

Hint: This problem may require you to use a table variable to store information that you will use to get to the required information. There may be multiple ways to solve this problem.

**Below I have included the possible information on tables and columns that may be needed.**

Customers Table; Columns: CustomerID(PK), FirstName, LastName

OrderItems Table; Columns: ItemID(PK), OrderID(FK), ProductID(FK),ItemPrice

Orders Table; Columns: OrderID(PK), CustomerID(FK) , (others dont matter)

Products Table; Columns: ProductID(PK), CategoryID(FK), ListPrice

Reference no: EM132083551

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