Write a research paper about roman theaters

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Reference no: EM131685432

Assignment: Architecture and Cultural History Research Paper

Length- 1500-2000 words.

Topic: Roman Theaters

Your final assignment is to submit a well-crafted researched paper of 1500-2000 words. Your final paper should present a clear argument with thoughtful conclusions. You are not asked to praise any building, but rather to discuss it critically and with specificity.

The paper should include all of the following items:

• A title and subtitle

• Intro and thesis statement

• The main body of your paper

• Supporting evidence from academically vetted sources

• Properly cited information using footnotes or parenthetical citations

• At least 5 supporting images that correspond to the argument and are correctly referenced in the text (i.e: Text text text text [Image 1]. Text text text....).

• All images should have a brief description below as well as their source.

• Image sources should be separate and in addition to supportive text resources.

• Conclusion

• A full bibliography formatted according to Chicago Manual of Style:


• Bibliography must cite a minimum of 6 authors

• No cover page. At top of your paper, please include the class (Arch 230), your full name, and the final word count.

• Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and include page numbers

*Note: If using footnotes, they must be properly formatted (use parenthetical if you have any doubts)

QUESTIONS: (Things to keep in mind for the final paper)

1. Is there a title?

2. Is the thesis clear and specific?

3. Times New Roman font, 12 pt, double spaced?

4. Does the paper include supporting images?

5. Are images cited in bibliography or beneath the image?

6. Are images referenced in the text?

7. Are images clear/free of watermarks/not overly pixelated/not deformed?

8. Do images include orthographic drawings?

9. Is the information in the paper clear?

10 Is it presented in an organized manner?

11. Does evidence tie back to and support the thesis?

12. Does the paper use transitions to move from one topic to the next?

13. Does the document appear to have been proof-read?

14. Is the student primarily using their own words to write about their evidence/sources?

15. Are quotations properly cited and used appropriately?

16. Are claims in the paper properly cited using parenthetical citations or footnotes?

17. Does the paper include a full bibliography according to Chicago Manual of Style?

18. Is the bibliography primarily referencing academic sources?

*TIP: This list covers the main points we will being looking for in terms of grading your final papers.

Reference no: EM131685432

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