Would there be any eye-openers that may have changed

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Reference no: EM133317803

Question 1. What are the most significant items that an person would learned from an advanced criminal investigation course? Please give as much details as possible (PERSONAL QUESTION)

Question 2. Would there be any eye-openers that may have changed any of your opinions that you held prior to taking this course? Please give as much details as possible (PERSONAL QUESTION)

Question 3. If you had the authority and means what changes would you make in the Criminal Justice System? Please give as much details as possible (PERSONAL QUESTION)

Question 4. How would you go about to abate excessive force used by police and citizens? Describe each. Explain each. Give details. Give examples. Make reference to current and past incidents. (NON-PERSONAL QUESTION).

Question 5. Which country has the lowest crime rate, and why? Explain in details. (NON-PERSONAL QUESTION).

Reference no: EM133317803

Questions Cloud

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