Will believers in intelligent design be able to embrace

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Reference no: EM132116512


Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our survival and enormous success as a species.

However, your readings for this week point out that this progress is the product of contentious debates, competing world views, and revolutionary paradigm shifts. Over time, certain views do eventually prevail.

Genetically evolved technology is based, in part, on finding solutions to key problems through the process of biological evolution (see the Tedtalk video for this week). With your readings and video clips for this week in mind, please answer the following questions:

Will believers in Intelligent Design be able to embrace the incredibly promising and innovative solutions outlined in Luke Bawazer's Tedtalk while rejecting Darwin's theory? Explain why or why not.

How does the science discussed by Bawazer relate to Bronowski's belief about science as imaginative and creative?

Your response must include references to the essays by Bronowski and Wilson. Feel free to include your own research (academic resources).

Your response, in either essay form or question and answer format, should be a minimum of 750 words. Use proper citation and list your references.

Reference no: EM132116512

Questions Cloud

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Will believers in intelligent design be able to embrace : Will believers in Intelligent Design be able to embrace the incredibly promising and innovative solutions outlined in Luke Bawazer's Tedtalk .
Functional distribution of income in macroeconomic analysis : What is meant by functional distribution of income in macroeconomic analysis? And explain how this form of distribution of income can generate income inequality
Create a simple student management on an android app : Mobile Applications Development - 300960 - create a simple Student Management on an Android App. The app includes a home screen that includes one or more
Differentiation strategy differentiated their products : Pursue a differentiation strategy differentiated their products or services to achieve or maintain sustained competitive advantage.
Section of the violence against women : What was the Supreme court ruling in christy Brzonkala J Morrison .et al. the case in the text involving the constitutionally of the section of the violence


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