Why this company would be a good or bad employment choice

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Reference no: EM131965298

Your task. Select a Fortune 500 company and collect information about it on the Web. Use your library's ProQuest subscription to access Hoover's company records for basic facts.

Then take a look at the company's Website; check its background, news releases, and annual report.

Learn about its major product, service, or emphasis. Find its Fortune 500 ranking, its current stock price (if listed), and its high and low range for the year.

Look up its profit-to-earnings ratio. track its latest marketing plan, promotion, or product. Identify its home office, major officers, and number of employees.

In a memo report to your instructor, summarize your research findings. explain why this company would be a good or bad employment choice.

Reference no: EM131965298

Questions Cloud

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Why this company would be a good or bad employment choice : In a memo report to your instructor, summarize your research findings. explain why this company would be a good or bad employment choice.
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