Why is the strategic time frame shorter

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131973651

A decade or so ago, the strategic plans seemed to focus on 7-10 years. It seems that strategic plans seem to address a time frame of about 5-7 years. Why is the strategic time frame shorter now as oppose to a period of about 10 years.

Reference no: EM131973651

Questions Cloud

Determine and interpret the linear correlation coefficient : Determine and interpret the linear correlation coefficient, and use linear regression to find a best fit line for a scatter plot of data and make predictions.
Grievance procedure for the redressal of grievances : Define the term 'Grievance'. Also explain the Model Grievance Procedure for the redressal of grievances.
What are the main effects-problems with a currency conflict : What are the main effects/problems with a currency conflict? How or when can country be identified as a currency manipulator?
What are some benefits of ethical behavior : a. What are some benefits of ethical behavior?
Why is the strategic time frame shorter : It seems that strategic plans seem to address a time frame of about 5-7 years. Why is the strategic time frame shorter now as oppose to a period of about.
Explain the factors that will affect demand and supply : Explore the factors that will affect demand, supply, and prices of that product. Analyze any comparative advantages and international trade opportunities.
Examples of risk that an organization : Are there any examples of risk that an organization will face if the strategic plan does not address legal issues in relation to strategic managment?
Describe the type of platform : Describe each of the seven (7) social media platforms that have been covered in this course from a social media marketer's perspective.
Concepts to taking companies from good to great : In Jim Collins - "Good to Great", he outlines seven concepts to taking companies From Good to Great.


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