Why are crimes punished differently in different states

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133283926


What happens when jurisdictional differences result in differences in punishment? How can a crime in one state be punished differently in a handful of other states or municipalities?

  • Why are crimes punished differently in different states and municipalities?
  • Based on the cases you learned about from the resources above, do you believe the verdicts were fair or unfair? Explain.
  • What do you think can be done to ensure accused individuals are treated fairly regardless of their location?

Can anyone help with this i will greatly appreciate it

The cases she provided if you want to use them

3 Strikes and You're Out: After 20 Years, Is the Law Working?

Are mandatory minimum sentences an injustice?

Community Court: A Kinder, Gentler Way?

Reference no: EM133283926

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