Which side do you find the most convincing and why

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Reference no: EM131673474

Affirmative Action is a controversial topic in American society. People of all races, genders, and classes are divided on where they stand on Affirmative Action.

However, the media has oversimplified Affirmative Action and many do not truly understand the policy and what it means for schools and employers.

For this assignment, you will examine Executive Order 10925 and determine where you stand on this topic.

Review Executive Order 10925.

Then, write an organized short response (3 paragraphs) where you explain:

What is Affirmative Action as a social policy?

What were the goals of Affirmative Action? Has it been successful?

What are the basic arguments for Affirmative Action and what are those against it? Which side do you find the most convincing and why?

Be sure to support your answer with references to the textbook, appropriate outside resources, and your own personal experiences.

Create a response in 3 paragraphs to the discussion question. Cite sources and include references in your response.

Submit your response to the Discussion Area. Review and comment on at least two peers' responses.

Reference no: EM131673474

Questions Cloud

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Identify technique or methods to collect data for each level : Generate at least two important questions to ask when conducting each level. Identify two techniques, sources of data or methods to collect data for each level.
Which side do you find the most convincing and why : What are the basic arguments for Affirmative Action and what are those against it? Which side do you find the most convincing and why?
What is significant about the new learning for me : What did I actually learn? What is significant about this new learning for me? How does this learning link to my future career?
Calculate the residual income for simplegreen : Calculate the residual income for Simplegreen if Excellent Motor has a required rate of return of 16% on investments.
Calculating variances-indexes and forecasts : Calculating variances, indexes, and forecasts would seem to make the decisions easy, but we know that the numbers don't manage the project.
Estimate to completion and budget at completion : estimate to completion (ETC), estimate at completion (EAC), budget at completion (BAC), and complete performance index (TCPI).


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