What you began to complete the project

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Reference no: EM132170362

Question: In Week 5 you submitted your project topic submission as a short presentation. In Week 7, you will pick up on what you began to complete the project. You already have a title, rationale and background prepared so from here, you will flesh-out the remainder of the project as a hypothetical protocol to experimentally address the topic you chose to explore in your project.

Keep in mind, You are NOT actually performing experiments as part of this final project. This is a hypothetical project.

Below is the recommended minimum slide layout for your presentation. For the week 7 Project, Scholarly References must be included both in-text and in a reference element at the end of your presentation. A minimum of three scholarly references are expected for your project. Make sure to properly reference any images or video you use that are not your own. Images, video and enhancements (hypothetical graphs, charts, etc.) are required to present data.

For all images, charts and graphs, a descriptive title and legend must be included as well as appropriate source citations.

Read On: Think through what you plan to propose for your project. It must be a reasonable experiment. It must be something that could be performed experimentally. Find and review scholarly articles that are closely related to what you propose as these will be most helpful as you plan out yours.

There is a sample project you can look over to give you an idea of what a hypothetical project should look like. Take some time to look this over to give you an idea of what a basic hypothetical project looks like.

Most of you will likely propose in-vitro types of hypothetical experiments; however, if you decide to propose anything that includes animals, humans or otherwise, be aware of the appropriate ethical guidelines and make sure to address them.

IACUC Guidelines

Human Subjects

Directions for your Project

Compose and hypothetically carry out protocols to experimentally address the topic you chose (these are the minimums)

• Include the slides from week 5 (These were the Introduction, Rationale and Background slides)

• Hypothesis (provide a testable hypothesis)

• Materials (list the materials you will need)

• Methods (describe how you will carry out the experiments)

• Expected data (describe the details of what your EXPECT will be the outcome of your experiments)

• Data (present the data, show charts, graphs, images, etc. from the hypothetical experiments)

• Conclusions (draw the conclusions from your data-only the direct conclusions)

• References (Scholarly references, three minimum and in APA format)

You will need a minimum of 12 slides to complete this presentation.

Reference no: EM132170362

Questions Cloud

What is the warburg effect : Cancer cells have a different mode of metabolism than normal cells. What is the Warburg effect and how much energy does it generate compared to normal aerobic.
How historical thought and tradition affect civil liberties : The Digital Age is having a profound effect on the privacy of individuals in both their daily and private lives.
Find someone whose health has been impacted : For each of the determinants of health that you have learned: 1) Policy, 2) Health Services, 3) Behavioral Choices, 4) Social Determinants, and 5) Biology.
Generate a random number : User will roll 5 dice with the goal of getting 5 of a kind within 4 rolls. The resulting number on each die will be generated randomly.
What you began to complete the project : In Week 5 you submitted your project topic submission as a short presentation. In Week 7, you will pick up on what you began to complete the project.
Effectively implement a policy framework : In order to effectively implement a policy framework, what three organizational elements are absolutely needed to ensure successful implementation?
Describe a methodology for examining internet : Describe a methodology for examining Internet use history on a Windows PC. This should be a step-by-step description of a process.
Discuss how the web portal features and elements : Discuss how the web portal features and elements will help you to advance your e-business.
Create two newsletters to inform families of literature : You will create two newsletters to inform families of literature genres being presented in your future classroom.


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