What would be the most predictable areas of concern

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Reference no: EM132401107

Question: Imagine that you have assumed the role of infection control officer for Good Hope Hospital. Your first task is to identify the total hospital infection rate for the month of June. The below table includes the patient information needed to identify this rate:

Total patients seen2,300 patientsTotal deaths12 patientsTotal discharges1,988 patientsTotal hospital infections35

A few months later, you learn that infection rates have nearly doubled during the last quarter within all areas of the organization. How would you put together an infection control team to assist in controlling infection rates, and what would be the most predictable areas of concern before initial analysis? Why?

Vital statistics information is essential in tracking trends and changes within the general population. What are some current elective medical procedures that may have an impact on adequate tracking and monitoring for Good Hope Hospital? Can inaccurate calculation of a census have an effect on such information? If so, explain.

Your full scholarly activity must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM132401107

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