What were the mistakes in your problem statement

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132166668 , Length: word count:2000



1. What were the mistakes in your problem statement? How could you refine these mistakes?- 300 WORDS

2. What were the mistakes in your research aim, objectives and research questions? How could you improve these?- 200 WORDS

3. What were the mistakes in your justification and potential output of the research project? How would you improve these?  400 WORDS

4. What were the mistakes in your conceptual framework? How could you improve these? 500 WORDS

5. What were the mistakes in your methodology and presenting secondary data? How could you improve these? Provide a secondary data set(s) with this assignment as an appendix. - 400 WORDS

6. What were the mistakes in your organisation of the study, project budget and schedule? How could you improve these? (2 marks)- 200 WORDS

Attachment:- Supplementary Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM132166668

Questions Cloud

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11/14/2018 11:55:12 PM

This is an individual essay and you need to answer all the above questions to pass this unit. YOU SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE WORD LIMIT THAT MENTIONED FOR EACH OF THE QUESTIONS. NOTE: THERE IS NO INTRODUCTION OR CONCLUSION REQUIRE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. Assessment Due Date: 5 PM Friday 16 Weighting: 50%.


11/14/2018 11:54:47 PM

This supplementary assessment task requires to critically reviewing your project proposal that you submitted for Assessment 3, T2and this requires you to answer the following SIX questions. ANSWERING EACH OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, YOU MUST LIST THE MISTAKES FIRST AND THEN YOU SHOULD EXPLAIN HOW YOU WOULD CORRECT THOESE MISTAKES AND IMPROVE YOUR UNDERSTANDING ABOUT EACH OF THE ITEMS OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL

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