What was the role of the federal communications commission

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Reference no: EM132899046

Problem 1: What was the role of the Federal Communications Commission in promoting television ownership?

a. They licensed TV stations.

b. They funded TV content production.

c. They provided cheap consumer loans.

d. They relaxed censorship laws.

Problem 2: The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 to.

a. Push for the civil rights of women.

b. Counter the power wielded by the EEOC.

c. Protest such pageants as the Miss America Pageant, which they said exploited women.

d. Force President Johnson to put more women in government programs designed to deal with women's issues.

Problem 3: On August 2, 1964, the U.S. destroyer Maddox was

a. Part of a scheme to allow President Johnson to expand the war in Vietnam.

b. All of the above.

c. Off the coast of North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin.

d. Possibly attacked by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats.

Reference no: EM132899046

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