What was going on because were scared

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Reference no: EM132917945

Question 1: If you were a school counselor and a student came to you really upset and distraught. Whenever they came to your office, they didn't really fully disclose what was going on because they were scared. One day the student comes in your office and shares with you that he is being sexually abused by his mom's brother. Based on the State of Maryland's guidelines, what do you do, what steps do you take, how do you advocate for the student's safety?

Reference no: EM132917945

Questions Cloud

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What perceive as detriments of restorative justice : what you perceive as the major benefits and detriments of restorative justice. Conclude with your thoughts about whether the American legal system
Describe how changing attitudes and behaviors : Describe how changing attitudes and behaviors evolved as the incidents occurred. Summarize what you have learned from an analysis of this event.
How do advocate for the student safety : Based on the State of Maryland's guidelines, what do you do, what steps do you take, how do you advocate for the student's safety?
What was going on because were scared : What was going on because they were scared. One day the student comes in your office and shares with you that he is being sexually abused by his mom's brother.
Increased aid funding to low-income countries : What are some of the key arguments for increased aid funding to low-income countries?
Why is the definition of health important to health policy : Research a healthcare organization and highlight how their policies align or misalign with the WHO's definition of health. Why is definition of health important
Why is domestic violence such an important issue in society : How can it be reduced? Give examples from your reading or viewing. Why is domestic violence such an important issue in society
Trial and plato allegory of the cave : This is a reflective essay based on the readings about Socrates' Trial and Plato's Allegory of the Cave,


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