What training evaluation methods

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Reference no: EM132941708


Co-op Credit is a large credit union in Manitoba. Its training program develops financial service representatives. The training consists of several modules, and each trainee is evaluated upon completion. In-house and classroom-based modules teach content such as computer literacy, cash duties, and introduction to the credit union's products and services, and progresses through to more advanced training, such as consumer lending practices, estates, and minimal mortgage lending. Each three- to five-day module is delivered over several weeks and then is followed by a work period of 3 to 12 months, so that employees can apply their knowledge. Training is measured by having participants completea satisfaction survey at the end of the classroom training, writing exams at the end of the module, and, after working for six months, having managers conduct performance reviews on the job-specific competencies that have been learned and applied.

What training evaluation methods are currently being used by Co-Op Credit? For each training evaluation method you identify, please ensure that you refer to case details that supports your identification.

Based on what you have read in this case, what type of analysis did Co-Op Credit conduct that resulted in this training program? What did you read in the case that led you to this answer?

Reference no: EM132941708

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