What symptoms would indicate client is having COPD

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Reference no: EM133280349

A 60-year-old male comes to the Emergency Room because of shortness of breath. He informed the nurse that over the last 2 years he experiences out breath during exertion and it is gradual, and it has been a worse for the past week, including a worsening productive cough. During interview he reveals that he coughs almost every morning as well, and this has been going on for even longer, perhaps 4-5 years. The cough is now productive of yellowish-brownish sputum. Vital Signs: BP:140/90 mmHg, HR:100, RR: 29 bpm, Temp: 36.9, O2 Sat: 93% vial Nasal Cannula 4 lpm.

Bases of the case given; what symptom/s would indicate the client is having COPD? Give at least 3.

Reference no: EM133280349

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