What other suggestions might you have offered

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132685554

Assignment: Read the case "Cutting the Budget of the Harristown Family Service" in Appendix 5 of the Grobman textbook (pp. 421-428) and write a 4-6-page case analysis addressing the seven discussion questions

You will use the Q& A format for this case analysis, and keep in mind that you need to elaborate your answers, which means that I expect your answer to each question to be at least a paragraph and not a short sentence or bullet points.

The case analysis should be double-spaced, in a 12-point Times New Roman font, and with 1-inch margin.

The grade for this case study assignment is based on the originality, insightfulness, and overall quality of your analyses. Other factors in your grade are (1) adherence to any guidelines distributed in class; (2) style, grammar, reference of the paper; and (3) your ability to express critical thinking.

1. Make a list of the serious suggestions made for increasing income and cutting expenses mentioned in this meeting. What are the benefits and limitations of each?

2. Had you been in this meeting, what other suggestions might you have offered?

3. For the most part, Sarah handled Sean's inappropriate comments by simply ignoring him. What message did that send to the others in the meeting? How would you have handled someone like Sean?

4. Was it appropriate to have every staff member in the room to discuss what strategies might be employed to close the budget deficit? What are the costs and benefits of doing this rather than simply having professional staff hammer out the recommendations it will make to the board?

5. When an organization is in crisis, how much information should be shared with all staff members who might be affected by management decisions? Under what conditions might it be considered ethical for organizational leadership not to be completely honest with staff?

6. What are the pros and cons of HFS considering applying for grants that are "not quite consistent with our core mission"?

7. Discuss the costs and benefits of accepting or seeking donations from convicted felons.

Reference no: EM132685554

Questions Cloud

Determine how favorite brand has gained market share : Determine how favorite brand has gained market share and popularity in terms of its brand recognition, brand strategy, and product positioning.
How can the organization prevent similar incidents : How can the organization prevent similar incidents in the future? What should be done to hold the physician and nurse(s) accountable to themselves
Pros and cons of a merger between sanofi and aventis : What are the pros and cons of a merger between Sanofi and Aventis?
Clonal diversity : What are the potential consequences of this limitation of antigen recognition?
What other suggestions might you have offered : Had you been in this meeting, what other suggestions might you have offered? For the most part, Sarah handled Sean's inappropriate comments by simply ignoring.
How does financial planning and strategic planning influence : How does financial planning and strategic planning influence health care organizations? Provide an example.
What is the delivery price of the forward contract : 1 year later, on 8/15/2020, the stock price becomes $55. What is the "delivery" price of the forward contract entered into on 8/15/2019?
What benefits and drawbacks are there for a business : What benefits and drawbacks are there for a business that uses a Standard/Traditional Costing model and What benefits and drawback are there for a business
What role does the loreal stake play for nestle : What is Third Point's charge with regard to Nestle's investment in L' Oreal? Should Nestle take this charge seriously? What role does the L' Oreal stake play


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