What other benefits has SCM provided to businesses

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132433317

1. Identify the primary ways in which SCM has improved the order fulfillment process. What other benefits has SCM provided to businesses?

2. Explain the relationship between SCM and logistics. Identify the differences and similarities. Is one a part of the other? How does one support the other?

3. Identify two competing enterprises and their supply chains (e.g., Dell Computer versus Apple; K-Mart versus Wal-Mart; Toyota versus GM; UPS versus FedEx). Identify the elements of each chain from source of supply to final customer, and explain how the two chains are meeting (or not meeting) business objectives. Which supply chain appears longer? Does the structure of one appear simpler than the other?

4. Identify the primary flows in a supply chain. Explain why there is flow in both directions and provide examples of each.

5. Identify key activities of SCM. Identify other drivers not mentioned in the text.

6. Identify at least three trends that impact SCM. Identify other trends not discussed in the text.

Reference no: EM132433317

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