What may shift aggregate supply to the right

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Reference no: EM132667894

Discussion 1: Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Aggregate Supply and Economic Growth

Economic growth may be attained when either aggregate demand or aggregate supply shifts to the right. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 15 from the course text, especially examining Section 15.2, and respond to the following components:

• What are the different effects between aggregate demand-based growth and aggregate supply-based growth?

• What may shift aggregate supply to the right? Thoroughly explain its process.

• As a policy maker, would you prefer the strategies of aggregate supply-based economic growth or aggregate demand-based growth? Why or why not?

• As a proponent of either aggregate supply-based growth strategies or aggregate demand-based growth strategies, what would you recommend for the current U.S. economy to achieve stable economic growth?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Reference no: EM132667894

Questions Cloud

What are the three big issues that cause economic crises : What are the three big issues that cause economic crises in Marxian theory? Describe in detail, especially the role that profit plays in the crisis theory.
What decisions does gm have to make in regard to pricing : Consider an American automaker like GM with almost 100 production facilities located in 26 countries and sales in over 150 countries! To maximize profits.
Was the contract breached : In Chapter 5 of Managerial Economics, Froeb discussed post-investment holdup as a sunk cost problem associated with contract-specific fixed investments.
Identify some benefits and costs for the host country : Identify some benefits and costs for the host country from allowing a multinational corporation to locate there, despite its developing economy.
What may shift aggregate supply to the right : What may shift aggregate supply to the right? Thoroughly explain its process. As a policy maker, would you prefer the strategies of aggregate supply-based.
Has your perspective on inflation changed : Consider your standpoint on inflation (i.e., do you think inflation is good, bad, or irrelevant?) Read the article "Prices are low, and that could be bad."
Discuss advantages of international trade : International trade has been a great boon for many countries and, in general, has been more beneficial for the world than not. However, there are both costs.
What are the impacts of government and market imperfections : Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue. What are the impacts of various forms of elasticities.
Define how mba graduates are using the degrees : Throughout your MBA program, you have had various discussion questions and assignments related to career development. For example, in a couple of courses you.


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