What is your opinion of the future of aerospace vehicles

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131766285


Many people are pondering the various uses of aerospace vehicles that are not piloted by a person in the vehicle. "Drones," "RPVs," "UAVs," etc. What is your opinion of the future of these types of vehicles, both in commercial and military use? As with the discussion activity for this module, try to give an answer in this essay that fits into the historical flow of the development of U.S. aviation and aerospace industry.

Write a short, formal academic essay (about 750 words; 12 pt, double-spaced; unless quoting, third person, no contractions, no prepositions ending sentences. There should be in-text citations in APA format.). You should consult at least three references outside of the text for this activity.

Reference no: EM131766285

Questions Cloud

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