What is the treatment of choice of for patient

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522371

A Sixty-seven years old Caucasian male presents to the office complaining, ''I have a bump on my eye lid.'' Since his retirement seven years ago ,he has moved to Florida where he is an avid outdoorsman, golfer, and fisher man. examination reveals a well-circumscribed, indolent ,raised, waxy 8mm lesion located on lateral third of the left lower eyelid .The mass has been slowly growing over the past three years and is without ulceration or bleeding .Palpation of the anterior and posterior lymph nodes reveals no enlargement.

1. For this patient, what is the most likely diagnosis?

2. What is the treatment of choice of for this patient?

3. List the three major malignant skin cancer , which layers or cells these cancers arise from and briefly describe their pathogenesis?

4. List the layers of the epidermis and the respective cells found in the epidermis ,along with their functions

5. List the layers of the skin and briefly describe their functions.

Reference no: EM131522371

Questions Cloud

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