What is the total annual inventory cost

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132701759

The Compass Hospital and Health Center (CHHC) inventories hospital gloves for use in surgery and patient care. The hospital, which operates seven days a week, 52 weeks per year (365 days a year), can consume gloves at the rate of 200 pairs of gloves per day. (Gloves can only be used for one task and must then be discarded because of the risk of contamination.) The hospital uses a continuous inventory system in which gloves are kept in small supply closets spread throughout the facility. When needed, employees go to the nearest supply closet and retrieve a pair of gloves. The gloves' bar code is simply swiped past a bar code reader along with the bar code of the account of the patient to whom the item is to be charged. The ordering cost for an order of gloves is $200. The cost of holding (carrying) gloves in storage closets is $3 per pair per year. The lead time for receipt of the order of gloves, once the order is transmitted to the supplier, is 10 days without making the order an express shipment.

-What is the total annual inventory cost? Assume that the total annual inventory cost consists of two types of costs only-ordering cost and holding cost.

-What is the reorder point without safety stock?

Reference no: EM132701759

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