What is the relative risk of having such disease in country

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131688790

Question 1 - The probability (p) of having Disease X was 0.15. What is the odds of having this disease? [In regard to rounding in your calculation, choose the answer identical or the closest to what you got!]

Question 2 - The odds of having Disease Y was 3. What was the probability (p) of having this disease?

Question 3 - The probabilities of having Disease X were 0.15 and 0.35 in Population A and Population B, respectively. What is the OR of having this disease between Population B and Population A (ORB/A)?

Question 4 - The incidences of Disease Z were 0.001% and 0.032% in Country A and Country B, respectively. What is the relative risk (RR) of having such disease in Country B compared with Country A?

Question 5 - Which of the following statements is right in regard to the relationship between the probability (p) and Odds for an event in a population?

Question 6 - A study was conducted to assess the potential associations between incident hypertension and a group of potential predictors [including Age, Sex, Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and Current smoking status]. The data were analyzed using a multiple logistic linear regression model, and the outputs from a computer-based analysis were summarized as following (Table 9-30 in your text book). The significance level was set at 0.05.

Predictor variable         Regression coefficient    Chi square value    p value

Intercept                           18.416                        746.103             0.0001

Age (years)                       0.0533                        95.004               0.0001

Sex*                                 -0.2524                       6.189                0.0129

SBP                                  0.0629                         141.417            0.0001

DBP                                  0.0752                         80.237             0.0001

BMI                                  0.0637                         29.209             0.0001

Current smoker                 0.3270                         10.116             0.0015

*Gender is coded 1 = male and 0 = female. Current smoker is coded 1 = yes and 0 = no. The outcome variable is coded as Y = 1, with hypertension, and Y = 0, without hypertension.

Which statement is right?

The results show that all predictor variables including Age, Sex, SBP, DBP, BMI, and Current smoker are statistically significantly associated with incident hypertension at the significance level of 0.05.

The results show that Sex is not statistically significantly associated with incident hypertension since the p value for Sex was the biggest.

The results show that only Age, SBP, and DBP were statistically significantly associated with incident hypertension since only the Chi square values for these three predictor variables were bigger than 50.

Not enough information to decide which predictor variable is associated with incident hypertension.

Question 7 - A study was conducted to assess the potential associations between incident hypertension and a group of potential predictors [including Age, Sex, Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and Current smoking status]. The data were analyzed using a multiple logistic linear regression model, and the outputs from a computer-based analysis were summarized as following (Table 9-30 in your text book). The significance level was set at 0.05.

Predictor variable      Regression coefficient         Chi square value       p value

Intercept                        18.416                             746.103                0.0001

Age (years)                    0.0533                             95.004                  0.0001

Sex*                              -0.2524                           6.189                    0.0129

SBP                               0.0629                             141.417                0.0001

DBP                               0.0752                            80.237                  0.0001

BMI                               0.0637                            29.209                  0.0001   

Current smoker              0.3270                           10.116                   0.0015

*Gender is coded 1 = male and 0 = female. Current smoker is coded 1 = yes and 0 = no. The outcome variable is coded as Y = 1, with hypertension, and Y = 0, without hypertension.

Which is the right logistic linear regression equation?

Question 8 - A study was conducted to assess the potential associations between incident hypertension and a group of potential predictors [including Age, Sex, Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and Current smoking status]. The data were analyzed using a multiple logistic linear regression model, and the outputs from a computer-based analysis were summarized as following (Table 9-30 in your text book). The significance level was set at 0.05.

Predictor variable     Regression coefficient      Chi square value     p value

Intercept                          18.416                        746.103            0.0001

Age (years)                      0.0533                        95.004              0.0001

Sex*                                -0.2524                      6.189                0.0129

SBP                                 0.0629                        141.417            0.0001

DBP                                 0.0752                        80.237             0.0001

BMI                                 0.0637                        29.209              0.0001 

Current smoker                0.3270                       10.116              0.0015

*Gender is coded 1 = male and 0 = female. Current smoker is coded 1 = yes and 0 = no. The outcome variable is coded as Y = 1, with hypertension, and Y = 0, without hypertension.

When Age, SBP, DBP, and BMI remained the same, what is the expected OR of incident hypertension between a male current smoker and a female current non-smoker?

Question 9 -  A study was conducted to assess the potential associations between incident hypertension and a group of potential predictors [including Age, Sex, Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and Current smoking status]. The data were analyzed using a multiple logistic linear regression model, and the outputs from a computer-based analysis were summarized as following (Table 9-30 in your text book). The significance level was set at 0.05.

Predictor variable     Regression coefficient  Chi square value     p value

Intercept                          18.416                746.103               0.0001

Age (years)                      0.0533                 95.004                0.0001

Sex*                                -0.2524               6.189                  0.0129

SBP                                 0.0629                 141.417              0.0001

DBP                                 0.0752                 80.237               0.0001

BMI                                 0.0637                 29.209               0.0001 

Current smoker                0.3270                 10.116               0.0015

*Gender is coded 1 = male and 0 = female. Current smoker is coded 1 = yes and 0 = no. The outcome variable is coded as Y = 1, with hypertension, and Y = 0, without hypertension.

For a male increased BMI by 1 unit, SBP by 5 units and DBP by 2 units in a very short period (as such, the Age and Current smoker were regarded as unchanged). What was the expected OR of having hypertension for this man before and after these changes?

Question 10 - A study was conducted to assess the potential associations between incident hypertension and a group of potential predictors [including Age, Sex, Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and Current smoking status]. The data were analyzed using a multiple logistic linear regression model, and the outputs from a computer-based analysis were summarized as following (Table 9-30 in your text book). The significance level was set at 0.05.

Predictor variable       Regression coefficient     Chi square value    p value

Intercept                             18.416                         746.103          0.0001

Age (years)                         0.0533                         95.004           0.0001

Sex*                                   -0.2524                       6.189             0.0129

SBP                                    0.0629                         141.417         0.0001

DBP                                    0.0752                        80.237           0.0001

BMI                                    0.0637                        29.209           0.0001     

Current smoker                   0.3270                        10.116           0.0015

*Gender is coded 1 = male and 0 = female. Current smoker is coded 1 = yes and 0 = no. The outcome variable is coded as Y = 1, with hypertension, and Y = 0, without hypertension.

What is the expected OR of having hypertension for two men who have the same Age, SBP, DBP, and BMI but different Current smoking statuses?

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Reference no: EM131688790

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