What is maximum number of gene a different chromosome pair

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133248985


Genes located on the same pair of chromosomes do not obey Mendel's law of independent assortment.

In fruit flies (2N=8), a scientist studies several different genes that all assort independently, meaning that no two of them are on the same chromosome pair. What is the maximum number of genes that she could be studying?

(It's a deceptively simple question: Two genes on the SAME chromosome pair are "linked," meaning that they do not assort independently. Two genes must be on DIFFERENT chromosome pairs in order to assort independently. So, what is the maximum number of genes that can each be on a different chromosome pair than all the others? This was the reasoning that led Walter Sutton to predict 'linkage' of some genes in 1902.)

Reference no: EM133248985

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