What is knowledge based engineering

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Reference no: EM132424876

Assignment 1 -

Exercises - For each of the following recurrences, first guess an exact closed-form solution, and then prove your guess is correct. You are free to use any method you want to make your guess-unrolling the recurrence, writing out the first several values, induction proof template, recursion trees, annihilators, transformations, 'It looks like that other one', whatever-but please describe your method. All functions are from the non-negative integers to the reals. If it simplifies your solutions, express them in terms of Fibonacci numbers Fn, harmonic numbers Hn, binomial coefficients453_figure.png, factorials n!, and/or the floor and ceiling functions 690_figure1.png

(a) A(n) = A(n -1) + 1, where A(0) = 0.

(b) 1709_figure2.png

(c) C(n) = C(n -1) + 2n -1, where C(0) = 0.

(d) D(n) = D(n -1) +1717_figure3.png, where D(0) = 0.

(e) E(n) = E(n - 1) + 2n, where E(0) = 0.

(f) F(n)= 3 · F(n- 1), where F(0) = 1.

(g) G(n) = G(n-1)/G(n-2), where G(0) = 1 and G(1) = 2. [Hint: This is easier than it looks.]

Assignment 2 -

Sort the sequence 4 6 8 2 9 5 1 7 3 with:

Insertion sort

Selection sort

Quicksort (picking the first element as the pivot)

Quicksort (using the median-of-three pivot)


A sorting algorithm is stable if equal elements always remain in the same relative order before and after sorting. Which of our sorting algorithms are stable? Why?

Write a method or function that removes all duplicate elements from a Java array or Haskell list in O(n log n) time. Hint: sort the array first (you may use the sorting function from the standard library).

Assignment 3 -

Part A: Define the following terms as other classification of knowledge and give examples

- Global vs. local

- Explicit vs. tacit

- Complete vs. incomplete

- Certain vs. uncertain

- Accessible vs. inaccessible

- Fixed vs. volatile

- Declarative vs. procedural

Part B: Kindly answer the following questions.

1. What is knowledge based engineering?

2. Create a Time line history for knowledge based engineering.

3. Identify at least 3 applications of knowledge based engineering and explain.

4. Are there some knowledge based engineering applications in your respective organizations/company? What are these applications?

5. Explain knowledge engineering life cycle.

6. Compare and contrast knowledge engineering life cycle and software development life cycle.

7. What knowledge based engineering would you like to propose in your company? What are the features of your proposal? How will your company be benefited?

Part C: Independent learning

(Read the article Knowledge Representation in the Internet of Things: Semantic Modelling and its Applications.) Prepare reaction paper.

Part D: Answer the Short Scenarios in lesson?

The phone call test

A rather simpler approach to answering the question which domains are worth building into an expert system?

"Any problem that can be and frequently is solved by your in-house expert in a 10-30 minute phone call can be automated as an expert system."

Prof.Morris Firebaugh

Possible expert systems - case histories

For discussion.

The following seven problem areas may, or may not, be suitable for computerisation as expert systems.

Possible expert systems - case histories

A certain third world country has a large population, very few trained doctors, and insufficient resources to train many more. It is proposed to provide paramedics, who can be trained relatively cheaply and easily, with medical kits and portable PCs, each PC to be loaded with an expert system that can advise on the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of common diseases.

Possible expert systems - case histories

The housing department in a provincial English town is overworked, although the staff turnover is quite low. Much of the work the staff do involves interviewing clients, and there is a clear pattern of questioning (which varies to a limited degree, depending on the circumstances of the client). It is proposed to build an expert system, which will direct the questioning process.

Possible expert systems - case histories

A firm of wine importers relies heavily on its chief wine expert, who is skilled at selecting wines that are destined to be popular, on the basis of their taste, colour, scent etc. She is soon to retire. It is proposed to build an expert system that will enable any of several junior wine specialists to do her job.

Possible expert systems - case histories

An education authority has a severe shortage of primary school teachers. It is proposed that an expert system should be built which can do the job of teaching English and arithmetic to five year old children.

Possible expert systems - case histories

A software company proposes to build an expert system which can perform book-keeping for small commercial concerns.

Possible expert systems - case histories

A large manufacturer of diesel electric locomotives has problems in providing enough maintenance personnel who are sufficiently skilled to locate faults in these (highly complex) locomotives. They propose to build an expert system which can perform fault location on such a machine.

Possible expert systems - case histories

A mineral exploitation company wishes to extend its operations, which involve searching for hitherto undiscovered deposits of valuable metal ores. It is short of trained geologists. It proposes to build an expert system which can assess a geological site and come to a conclusion about how likely it is that there is a worthwhile mineral deposit there.

Assignment 4 -

1. Identify at least three relational model issues. What are the possible solutions to the issues?

2. Develop a distributed database system which is applicable in your respective workplaces?

Assignment 5 - Project Data Structures

1. Create any program based from Algorithms with the following properties developed by Richard Jonhsonbaugh and Marcus Schaefer (2004):

Input. The algorithm receives input

Output. The algorithm receives output

Precision. The steps are precisely stated

Determinism. The intermediate results of each step of execution are unique and are determined only by the inputs and results of the preceding steps.

Finiteness. The algorithm terminates; that is it stops after finitely many instructions have been executed.

Correctness. The output produced by the algorithm is correct.

2. Research and present an algorithm and consider the following in the Analysis of Algorithms.

Correctness. Does the given algorithm solve the problem?

Termination. Does the algorithm always stop after a finite number steps?

Time Analysis. How many instructions does the algorithm execute? Discuss in detail each properties of the researched algorithm.

Reference no: EM132424876

Questions Cloud

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Functions of lyric poetry : One of the functions of lyric poetry, especially at symposia or among members of a hetairia, is to cement partisan feeling.
What is knowledge based engineering : What is knowledge based engineering? Create a Time line history for knowledge based engineering. Explain knowledge engineering life cycle
Discuss the concept of living honorably in modern world : Then discuss the concept of living honorably in the modern world. Do we take "honor" as seriously compared to the ancient world? Give examples.
Can the yearbook club copyright the dvd : What copyrights if any does the yearbook club, school, or students on the DVD have? Can the yearbook club copyright the DVD?
What is the upper limit ci-lower limit ci : Construct a 95% confidence interval for the difference in proportions of women who deliver preterm. What is the Upper Limit CI & Lower Limit CI?
Traditional plant and livestock breeding : Is genetic engineering fundamentally different than traditional plant and livestock breeding? Does that matter?


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