What is a corporations social responsibility

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132641718

Question 1. In moments of frustration, some U.S. labor leaders have claimed that U.S. unions would be better off with a deregulation of labor law and a return to the "law of the jungle." How would a return to voluntarism affect U.S. unions? Workers? Employers?

Question 2. What might be the pros and cons of adopting the German system of mandatory works councils in the United States?

Question 3. Employers commonly try to portray unions in a negative light by characterizing them as outside third-party organizations. Is this accurate if unions are composed of employees? Describe how the pluralist industrial relations school of thought sees value in having a union as both an outsider and an insider. In what direction(s) should U.S. labor unions go to serve these roles in the 21st century?

Question 4. What is a corporation's social responsibility? Are there corporate labor relations practices that should be unacceptable? If so, how should these standards be enforced?

Reference no: EM132641718

Questions Cloud

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