What is a b corporation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131512575

DB re B-corps. Research and answers the following questions:

  1. What is a B corporation 
  2. Why do B corporations exist
  3. Provide examples of B corps
  4. How are B corporations different from a for-profit or a non-profit organization
  5. Compared to a "normal" for-profit corporation, what are 3 strengths of B corp
  6. Compared to a "normal" for-profit corporation, what are 3 weaknesses of B corp
  7. Do you foresee the number of B corps growing or shrinking. Justify your answer
  8. For you personally, would working for a B corp be attractive or not.

Please cite a minimum of 3 credible sources.

Minimum of 800 wordS

Reference no: EM131512575

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