What information do you gather from the data

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Reference no: EM132634372

Assignment: Read the Case Study for "Johnny" and review/score the DSM-5 Parent/Guardian-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure-Child Age 6-17 form completed by the mother (attached).

Consider the following when reviewing the form:

• What information do you gather from the data in this instrument?

• What will you do with the information from the Level 1 Measure?

• Utilize the DSM-5 Parent/Guardian-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure-Child Age 6-17 Measure - to differentiate between issues associated with typical childhood behaviors and clinically-significant psychopathology.

• Would you assess that "Johnny" needs a formal referral to a pediatric psychiatrist/psychologist/counselor?

• Assign the appropriate DSM-5 diagnoses for "Johnny" in descending order, from the dominant, to the least dominant.

• What diagnostic impression do you reach based on the information gathered about Johnny? What is your rationale for ruling-out other diagnoses?

Write a 500-750-word paper about Johnny and your findings. Include the following in your paper:

• The appropriate DSM-5 diagnoses for "Johnny" in descending order from the dominant, to the least dominant, and an explanation for your analysis.

• A rationale regarding why other diagnoses were excluded.

• A discussion regarding if you would assess that "Johnny" needs a formal referral to a pediatric psychiatrist/psychologist/counselor and the reasoning for your choice.

• Include least five scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper to substantiate your findings

Reference no: EM132634372

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