What inclusion strategies could be used

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Reference no: EM132008993

Answer the first 2 questions then give your experiences and thoughts questions 3-8. Please cite references and

1. What is a cultural difference that is likely to engender hostility in the workplace? Why? What inclusion strategies could be used? (200 or more words)

2. Why are workplace populations becoming increasingly more diverse? What is one historical change that has contributed to the shift to workplace diversity? (200 or more words)

Respond with 100 or more words for question 3-8

3. Diversity learning, knowledge diversity and inclusion: Theory and practice as exemplified by corporate universitiesAndresen, Maike. Equal Opportunities International; Patrington Vol. 26, Iss. 8, (2007)

Turbulent environments especially require knowledge-intensive companies to apply forms of learning which allow the staff and thus the entire organization to adapt to the rapidly changing environmental conditions and to generate new knowledge about the handling of contingencies.

This necessarily leads to an intensification of learning processes in a company. Innovative knowledge must constantly be generated, learned and shared among the staff in order to quickly build-up the ability to take new courses of action.

4. Organizational knowledge and discourse of diversity in employmentMcVittie, Chris; McKinlay, Andy; Widdicombe, Sue. Journal of Organizational Change Management; Bradford Vol. 21, Iss. 3, (2008):

Evidence suggests that the notion of diversity in employment has failed to meet expectations of increased inclusion and organizational competitiveness in an ever-changing and globalizing economic context.

5. Communication in the conditions of diversity

Rawluszko, Marta. KobietaiBiznes; Warsaw Iss. 1-4, (2009): 53-56.

When considering communication in the company context, it's worth to remember the relatively rarely discussed, although increasingly more important, issue of diversity. In the practice of managing diversity, organizations focus mainly on factors important for construction of social identity of individuals.

Therefore, the attention is paid mainly to diversity related to gender, age, race, ethnic and national origins, level of disability and sexual orientation. Rawtuszko provides an analysis on the issue of communication in respect to the organization activities and gender difference, the level of internal and external communication and related chances and threats.

6. Mentoring can be very important to the careers of diverse employees and the most effective mentoring results from relationships that just develop informally between employees.

7. Bullying occurs more often in the workplace than sexual harassment and most bullies are male.

8. Since the election of the United States first African American President, racial prejudice has decreased.

Reference no: EM132008993

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