What implications does this have on health care in area

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Reference no: EM132029149 , Length: 3

Deliverable Length: 3 pages, excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page. Research the local statistics on age and aging trends in your state.

Use this information to evaluate the impact this data may have on the future of your state. What will it mean for the aging population?

Are there enough social services and support options such as older worker programs, assistance with health care, elder abuse support, financial fraud assistance, religious and social opportunities to sustain this aging population? What implications does this have on health care in your area?

How can health care help provide support options such as acute care hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals, assisted living centers, and nursing homes?

Support your answers with research from the library and the Web.

Reference no: EM132029149

Questions Cloud

What are the manager roles in a development system : What are the manager's roles in a development system? Which role do you think is most difficult for the typical manager?
Discuss about the succession of generations : Age as a structural feature in the changing demographics of societies and groups. Both people and societal roles are differentiated by age.
What is social media : What is social media? Explain how it can be used for training. Discuss. Do you use social media? Yes/No. Why?
Support claims with examples from required materials : Support claims with examples from required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.
What implications does this have on health care in area : How can health care help provide support options such as acute care hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals, assisted living centers, and nursing homes?
Critical path method and the critical chain method : In Project Management, what is the difference between the Critical Path Method and the Critical Chain Method?
Impact the running of the clinic : These doctors work on one year contracts. Why would this impact the running of the Clinic?
Determined from the company tax returns : How much of Walmart's income tax expense was determined from the company's tax returns?
Explain the market position of the organization : Explain the market position of the organization and how it benefits the individuals who need the services provided.


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