What impact can stress have on mental disorders

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133234023


Watch this video: How to Improve Your Mental Health - Depression, Anxiety, Stress

Using the video, Please could you explain in detail what you think of the following (Also, if you cite anything, please indicate it appropriately:

1. What impact can stress have on mental disorders?

2. Choose 2 mental disorders and explain what they are.

3. What stood out to you after reading this and looking at the pictures? Basically, what are your thoughts? "Approximately 12% of individuals aged 65 and over are estimated to have some form of minor or major mental disorder. It is important to note that estimates vary based on the definition and measurements used. Moreover, among hospitalized older adults, approximately 40% have one disorder. The proportion of nursing home residences with one or more disorders has grown over the last 25 years or so. Mental disorders are much less understood and often more feared than physical illness. In the absence of knowledge regarding mental disorders, many taboos have evolved that inhibit diagnosis and treatment. Elderly adults who have mental disorders are considerably less likely to be diagnosed and treated than younger adults. Additionally, intimidating regulations and paper-­-work may present serious obstacles. Obsessive-­-Compulsive: overly conscientious, overly

meticulous, perfectionistic, distinguished from obsessive compulsive disorder by not being distressing to the individual Paranoid:

hypersensitive, rigid, unwarranted suspicion,

jealous, excessive self-­-importance

Narcissistic: grandiose sens of self-­-importance, exhibitionism, preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited brilliance or beauty

Borderline: unstable self-­-image, chronic feelings of emptiness and suicidal ideation , volatile relationships characterized by shifting between idealization and devaluations, impulsivity.

4. From the CDC's article, 'The State of Mental Health and Aging in America', we know that depression is the most common mental health challenge experienced by older adults. Men 85+ have the highest rate of suicide more than any other group. However, depression is NOT a normal part of aging. What are some factors that can cause depression and what are some ways to mitigate feelings of depression in older adults.

5. Is there anything that surprised you in these articles?

6. There are over 100 diseases that can cause dementia. Late onset Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia and can also occur to people under aged 65 (called younger onset Alzheimer's). What did you learn from the ALZ article?

7. Lastly, what do you think about this comment? What are your thoughts? "While reading through this week's powerpoint, I was amazed by how many family members and friends I had that suffer from the mental health disorders listed; particularly with the two mental disorders I listed above. My great uncle and his wife are both diagnosed with bipolar disorder and it is very interesting to learn more about the disorder and increase my empathy and understanding for them.

Additionally, I have a brother-in-law that struggles with substance abuse and is addicted to heroin. Despite going to numerous treatment facilities since he was in high school, he struggles tremendously to get free of his addiction. I also have an adopted cousin who was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I think that across the board, there are some negative stigmas associated with mental health disorders and that information and understanding can help people have more empathy and support people struggling with mental health disorders better."

Reference no: EM133234023

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