What gives human life meaning

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Reference no: EM132621526

Discussion: The Meaning of Life

Chapter 5 is focused on the meaning of human life. Present your view on the ultimate meaning of life. Be sure to back up your view with logical reasoning and as much evidence as you can. What gives human life meaning? How do you know? How should one act in the world once one realizes this meaning? Connect your ideas on the essential meaning of life to the views of at least one philosopher. This philosopher can be someone whom we studied or can come from an outside source. You might connect your ideas in a harmonious or contradictory way. Utilize the academic resources aligned with this course to find a philosopher that coincides with or contradicts your own ideas.

Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Support your claims with examples from this week's required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

Reference no: EM132621526

Questions Cloud

Explain the different stages of syphilis : Explain the different stages of syphilis. (Terminology/topics to include: causative organism (morphology, gram-stain reaction), mode of transmission
How does philosophy affect ethical issues : After watching Relationship of Philosophy to Other Fields, reflect on the relationship of philosophy to your life in terms of your future education.
Enumerate the 12 different guidelines in using a microscope : 1. Explain the cause of the low-power, high-dry, and oil immersion objectives.
Implications of decreased biodiversity for human health : What are some possible implications of decreased biodiversity for human health?
What gives human life meaning : Chapter 5 is focused on the meaning of human life. Present your view on the ultimate meaning of life. Be sure to back up your view with logical reasoning.
Draw between the consequences of decreased biodiversity : If we think of the human body as an ecosystem, what ecological parallels can you draw between the consequences of decreased biodiversity in nature and your body
Incidence of many autoimmune diseases began to increase : Why do you think 1950 is the time period around which the incidence of many autoimmune diseases began to increase?
Why would the responses have to be given by a human being : Present three specific questions that you would ask in the Turing Test to determine if something is real or artificial intelligence.
Why would the responses have to be given by a human being : Present three specific questions that you would ask in the Turing Test to determine if something is real or artificial intelligence.


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