What factors affect evolution of virulence of disease

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133304846


1. Why is "the good of the species" a problematic concept?

2. How can we test hypotheses in macroevolution? List at least 4 ways.

3. What factors affect evolution of virulence of disease?

4. Use cephalopods as an example of a macroevolutionary process. explain.

5. rb > c. What is this, and why does it matter?

6. Describe how a particular trait could have been exapted for its current utility.

7. Does fitness always improve through time? Why or why not? Give an example.

8. You discover a deep sea snail that uses bacterial symbionts to get energy from chemosynthesis. What are 2 macroevolutionary questions you have from this? How would you test your questions?

9. Draw an accurate phylogeny for the following ten species, with ONLY those species below..

The species (a few are larger groups of taxa because you might not know individual species, but just include one representative per group)



Blue whale


Date palm

Argentine ant

Cordyceps fungus

Monarch butterfly

Blue-ringed octopus

Venus flytrap

You can draw it on paper and upload a scan, or make it in powerpoint but ONLY theses species

10. Will powered flight evolve again? In which group, and why do you predict this? Clearly I can't check to see if you're right in your prediction: I'm looking to see if you can reason based on some of the ideas from class.

Reference no: EM133304846

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