What exactly does jihad mean

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131468821

1. Jihad. What exactly does jihad mean? And why are there two senses of the term? What elements of Muhammad's own life story (particularly in light of the pre-Islamic social/tribal/cultural conditions within which he was raised) might explain why he believed that jihad was essential?

2. Sunni vs. Shi'a? How might an understanding of the distinction between Shi'a and Sunni Islam be helpful in understanding some of the conflicts in the Middle East today? And why is it a mischaracterization of Islam to identify it with only one ethnic group?

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Books used for these resources:

1. Experiencing the World's Religions: Tradition, Challenge, and Change, 6th Edition (Philosophy and Religion) 6th Edition by Michael Molloy (Author)

2. Anthology of World Scriptures 9th Edition by Robert E. Van Voorst (Author)

Reference no: EM131468821

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