What evidence supports the main point

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131533864

The " Moving beyond the critical synthesis: does the law preclude a future for US unions? By Richard W. Hurd " article is a reflective essay that assesses the strength of comments made by Christopher L.

Tomlins in his book The State and Unions (1985), which looks back over the past quarter century.

Various predictions were made concerning uniondecline and failed revival efforts as well as counterfeit rights offered to the U.S. working class.

Using all of the knowledge accumulated in this unit and in previous units, write a critique of the article.

You may use other academic resources to support your points as necessary.

Your critique must be at least three pages in length.

Your critique should address the questions below.

What are the author's main points?

Do the arguments presented by the author support the main point?

What evidence supports the main point? For example, if Tomlin's thesis that the New Deal offered only a counterfeit liberty to labor is true, what effect does that have on employee morale?

Briefly describe two collective bargaining strategies companies use when dealing with unions. How can these strategies affect employee morale?

What is your opinion of the article?

What evidence, either from the textbook or from additional sources, supports your opinion?

Be sure to follow the guidelines below.

Acurately identify the premise and supporting points from the article.

Provide an insightful and thorough analysis of the information from the article, including using evidence as well as reasonable and compelling interpretations.

Link material to course content and real-world situations.

Organize the material logically by using smooth transitions and by grouping similar material together.

The critique should be at least 3 pages in APA format.

Cite all sources used; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Office of Labor-Management Standards.

College of Business - CSU. (2016, September 1). Collective bargaining [Video file].

U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). OLMS final rule on persuader reporting increases transparency for workers.

Queen's IRC. (2014, February 25). What are the four phases of collective bargaining? [Video file]

Cabot, S. J. (2009, November 9). Stephen Cabot's labor strategy survival seminar - Bargaining subjects [Video file].

101therealest. (2015, December 3). 7.Distributive bargaining and the dangers of being greedy [Video file].

Reference no: EM131533864

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