What efforts can be made to assure inclusion of all groups

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Reference no: EM132017377

Question: Discuss the problems associated with the underrepresentation of various cultural groups in research studies. What does this fact do to the value of the data collected? What efforts can be made to assure inclusion of all groups as research subjects? The response must be typed, single spaced, must be in times new roman font (size 12) and must follow the APA format.

Reference no: EM132017377

Questions Cloud

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What efforts can be made to assure inclusion of all groups : Discuss the problems associated with the underrepresentation of various cultural groups in research studies. What does this fact do to the value of the data.
What was the basic goal of article : What was the basic goal of this article? The purpose of this article is to obtain accurate data analysis and learn how to add credibility to your research claim
What are the health beliefs of the culture : Research a culture in the State of Georgia, US briefly provide statistics, what are the health beliefs of this culture and how do you recommend medical.
Describe some of the violations of human rights : Describe some of the violations of human rights and abuses of power that are depicted in this film. Given what you have learned about psychiatric treatment.
Analyze potential ethical and logistical issues : Analyze potential ethical and logistical issues related to each fundraising activity and make recommendations to address each issue.


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