What do you think could be contributing

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132451842

Answer these questions pertaining to the case study below

Case Study

Read the following case description, and post your responses to the questions below on the discussion board:

Your patient has pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital via the ER. She is 85 years old, lives alone, and appears frail. She has been falling lately when she gets up in the mornings. She takes 21 prescription and OTC medications including a benzodiazepine, antihypertensive, and diuretic.

1. What do you think could be contributing to her recent history of falling?

2. What do you think nursing should do to prevent the patient from entering the downward spiral of the geriatric cascade?

3. When she is ready for discharge from acute care, what issues should be addressed in discharge planning?

4. What services might she require upon discharge?

Reference no: EM132451842

Questions Cloud

Select at least one or two food and nutrition programs : Select at least one or two Food and Nutrition programs to explore such as the Child Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH), Gimme 5
What type of locus of control do you generally have : What type of locus of control do you generally have? What is one situation that demonstrates the impact of your locus of control on your health.
Develop a camp bow wow dog park summary : Develop a Camp Bow Wow Dog Park Summary ,discuss how the data that is gathered can be utilized to gain a first mover advantage
Reflection and before reading any of the course materials : In this first reflection and before reading any of the course materials, consider what comes to mind when you hear the term informatics
What do you think could be contributing : What do you think could be contributing to her recent history of falling? What do you think nursing should do to prevent the patient from entering the downward
Differences in brain development that occurs with blindness : Discuss the differences in brain development that occurs with blindness and Compare and contrast the brain development of individuals with sight.
What is one example of ageism : 1. What is one example of ageism that you have witnessed in healthcare? 2. How do you think ageism affects older adults?
How do market prices fully reflect all available information : Research about the concept that How do market prices fully reflect all available information.Discuss and explain in details and provide the example
Experience in nursing education and in healthcare overall : Explore some of the rationale behind the move toward more of a technologically based learning experience in nursing education and in healthcare overall.


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