What do we know about the genetics of these complex traits

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132367785

Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are two relatively common behavioral disorders. Compare and contrast these disorders. What do we know about the genetics of these complex traits? What are their concordance values? Have any specific genes been linked to either disorder? Discuss these in terms of the information in your textbook and through additional information found in primary and/or reputable secondary sources. A minimum of 1 source is required in addition to the textbook. Be sure you cite your source.

This short paper must be a minimum of 1 pages in length and a maximum of 2 pages in length. It should be typed with 1 inch margins or less, 12 point font, with 1 line spacing. Please upload only .doc or .docx files.

Reference no: EM132367785

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