What do external analysts say about this company

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Reference no: EM132227589 , Length: word count:2000

Assignment -

The client that you should research and answer the questions on is the company "Rocket Software". Please read all instructions carefully.

Deliverable Evaluation of Client:

Objective: To gain a clear understanding of the client's business, what they 'do' (e.g. products, services), how they are viewed in their industry, who their competitors are, etc. and analyze their position relative to their competition.

Format: business memo format. Spelling and grammar count. Write in prose with bullets and charts to organize the data easily (looks similar to this section). Don't use sentences where bullets or charts could tell the story more clearly. Number of pages is less important than the content. Use your best judgment to determine page lengths. Provide sufficient data so that you clearly understand the client's business but not too much data so that you and/or I are inundated with unnecessary information. Use numbers wherever numbers exist to explain (e.g. size of market). Avoid using superlatives like "great" or "large" or "growing." Instead use specifics like numbers or expert opinions to support your point.

  • introductory paragraph outlining the purpose and flow of the document
  • a header for each of the sections outlined in client details
  • an analysis section outlining your thoughts on what your research suggests
  • a concluding paragraph summarizing your key findings and analysis
  • References. List all your sources. You should have more than just the client's site referenced.

Client Details

1) What's your understanding of the client question as of now?

2) Overview of client's business:

a. what do they sell or do as their primary means of revenue generation? What are the benefits of what they sell?

b. What's their mission? How do they achieve their mission?

c. Where are they located?

d. What's their market (e.g. is it defined geographically? By industry? Etc.)

e. What's their growth rate? Profitability and/or revenue (or if a nonprofit, how do they measure success)?

f. What do external analysts say about this company?

g. Give an historical sense of the firm with growth figures up to 5+ years (projecting in the future and historically).

h. If this company is private, there will be less information for this section. You will need to rely on the subsequent sections to understand the client.

3) Industry: What industry are they in? What's the growth opportunity of this industry? How large is this client in comparison to their competitors? . What segments of the industry is this client in? How big are these segments? What is the growth of these segments over the last 10 years? Why did these segments grow? What does this suggest for our client? Comprehensively list all competitors in these segments and their percentage of the market. Ensure that the percentages add up to 100%.

a. If the industry is unclear, make a hypothesis and support it.

b. use numbers wherever possible. Regardless of the size of the company or whether it is public or private, industry numbers should be available.

4) Competitors: who are their competitors? (in a general sense) Do you see any advantages or disadvantages from your initial comparison? How does the client price their product/service in relation to their competitors? You may group smaller competitors together if done so based on your research (i.e. numbers). Use a chart to compare the competitors if this makes sense.

a. This analysis should be based both on the company and where it's located as well as the industry analysis.

b. There should be a list of competitors sorted by size.

c. You may group together smaller competitors if this is done so based on your research.

5) Customers: who are their target customers and market(s)? How do they target them (if this is available)? What can you tell about how their customers feel about them based on the website, facebook and other social networking sites or articles? If the client's product could speak, what would it say? What needs/wants does this product/service fill?

Analysis - In this section, I want you to analyze the client information in relation to the question. Determine the implications of what you found for the client as a whole and your specific questions. Answer these questions (in addition to others you think are important).

  • What does the information tell you or not tell you about the client (for example)?
  • How does it change your understanding of the questions?
  • Are there larger, wider issues at play here that are important to consider?
  • What is your overall view about the health and viability of this company?
  • What do you think is their comparative advantage?
  • What do you need to know about the client that you can't find? How can you find this information?
  • What questions can you ask of the client during their presentation to help you better understand the client as well as your question.
  • Do a preliminary SWOT, Porter's 5 forces, or product life cycle analysis on this company based on your research. Explain clearly what you can surmise about this client's position within the industry. Essentially, based on your research, what would say about this client's strength in the market? This is your initial analysis. Please do not simply list the SWOT but analyze it as well.

Instructions: Need 2000 words.

Reference no: EM132227589

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2/4/2019 9:36:47 PM

Instructions: Need 2000 words. The client that you should research and answer the questions on is the company “Rocket Software”. Please read all instructions carefully. Overview of client’s business 10 points - Column 2 with more in depth and precise numbers. More in depth understanding of client. Used Hoover’s and additional sources to provide complete picture of the company (if public). All statements fully supported.


2/4/2019 9:36:41 PM

Industry 10 points - More in depth understanding of client and/or industry. Used Hoover’s and additional sources to provide complete picture of the company (if public). All statements fully supported. Competitors 10 points - More in depth understanding of competitors. At least 6 competitors listed. Uses a chart to compare key financials across competitors and client. Used Hoover’s and additional sources to provide complete picture of the company (if public). All statements fully supported.


2/4/2019 9:36:36 PM

Customers 10 points - More in depth understanding of Customers. Identifies potential new customer segments. At least 5 customer segments identified. Uses a chart to compare key financials across competitors and client. Used Hoover’s and additional sources to provide complete picture of the company (if public). All statements fully supported. Analysis 20 points - Column 2 in more depth and detail. More elaborate and detailed SWOT with extensive analysis about the client included. Shows an ability to look beyond the preliminary research to see the impact on the research question. Client questions are thoughtful, concise and specific to the research questions. Format & Grammar 15 points - 2nd column plus. Effective and clear conclusion. Highly effective choice of words. Concise presentation.

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