What continuing issues are these countries facing today

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Reference no: EM132019860

Unit IV Essay

Independence was a difficult transition for the former colonies in South Asia following the Second World War.

To what extent were the problems and weaknesses confronting these new nations attributable to the colonial polices of the Western empires?

In what ways were the new post-1950 political leaders of South Asia to blame for the issues of poverty, underdevelopment, and unrepresentative government?

What continuing issues are these countries facing today?

What role did the Cold War play in shaping these struggles toward independence and in shaping these domestic policy struggles?

In addition to the assigned textbook chapters, read the report Sino-Japanese Relations: Issues for U.S. Policy found in the study guide under required reading in order to respond to these questions. Reports such as this one are considered secondary sources.

A secondary source often interprets primary sources, providing a second-hand account and offering its own discussion and analysis on the topic.

Secondary sources are a good way to broaden your historical perspective on a subject without the need to read dozens, if not hundreds, of primary sources.

To complete this assignment, you are required to use a minimum of two reputable sources. Your essay should be at least two pages in length and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. Use APA style for any in-text citations and corresponding references. 

Reference no: EM132019860

Questions Cloud

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Describe the culture clashes that existed : Would early American history had been any different if, for example, the Massachusetts Bay colonists had practiced religious tolerance?
What was the beginning raw materials inventory balance : The end of month balance in raw materials inventory was $5503. What was the beginning raw materials inventory balance
What continuing issues are these countries facing today : What role did the Cold War play in shaping these struggles toward independence and in shaping these domestic policy struggles?
Describe the functions of an integrated enterprise system : Describe the functions and purpose of an integrated enterprise system. What are the advantages provided by an integrated enterprise system
Why did you choose this particular material : Choose an area that you learned about in this course and connect it to the present day. Why did you choose this particular material?
What are the stages of system development life cycle : What are the stages of system development life cycle? What are the different approaches and their characteristics for system development
How business plan for this type of venture be different : How would the business plan for this type of venture be different from the business plan of a company only selling pre-made banana splits, not producing them


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