What are your personal plans regarding project management

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131528893

For your last audio post, talk about what you have learned regarding your verbal communication style that you can use when you graduate and land your dream position.

As you look back on the course, we will conclude the last course discussion with the posting of your final thoughts about project management and allow you to have the final forum where you can articulate lessons learned from this course, book, and assignments.

For your discussion, please comment on the following:

  • What aspects of project management did you find the most interesting? The most tedious?
  • What aspect of project management will you take to your workplace or apply in your daily lives?
  • What part of project management do you find the easiest to do or to understand? The hardest?
  • What are your personal plans regarding Project Management?

Reference no: EM131528893

Questions Cloud

Compute the dollar-denominated npv of this project : What is the dollar-denominated IRR of this project? Find the dollar cash flows to compute the dollar-denominated NPV of this project.
What is not measured is not managed : Describe what is meant by the statement "What is not measured is not managed." What role do KPI's and objectives play in evaluation?
Find the monthly payments and the total interest for loan : Find the monthly payments and the total interest for Loan A.
Compute next years financial plan and operational budget : Your Key Assignment Draft is designed to help you prepare for the presentation in Phase 5. Compute next year's financial plan and operational budget.
What are your personal plans regarding project management : What part of project management do you find the easiest to do or to understand? The hardest? What are your personal plans regarding Project Management
Ask a question about climate change : Ask a question about climate change, and answer it.
Accumulate money for his down payment : How much money should he place today in a saving account that earns 9.79 percent per year (compounded daily ) to accumulate money for his down payment?
What is the cost of each alternative : Penn Corp. is analyzing the possible acquisition of Teller Company. What is the cost of each alternative?
Ways that employee layoffs can affect other employees : Determine ways that employee layoffs can affect other employees in the organization. Examine two additional ways that employee layoffs can affect organization


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