What are thoughts on utilitarianism and deontology

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Reference no: EM132633053 , Length: Word count: 700

Consider the story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" for the following questions.

Question 1: In at least 200 words, how would utilitarianism and deontology handle such a situation differently? Would both act and rule utilitarianism allow for such a town to exist? Why or why not?

Question 2: In at least 300 words, would Immanuel Kant allow for you to torture someone for the good of another person or the community? Explain his view using the categorical imperative. Considering what you learned about Kant and WD Ross, would Ross have a differing or similar view to Kant in this situation?

Question 3: In at least 200 words, what are your thoughts on Utilitarianism and Deontology? These two theories are often at odds. Do you prefer one to the other? Why? Is your preferred theory perfect at handling all situations?

Reference no: EM132633053

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