What are the primary federal regulatory organizations

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Reference no: EM132649102

Changes and advancements in technology have made access to political and government information much easier for citizens. According to a memo sent by Barack Obama to the heads of executive departments and agencies, "Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset.... Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public feedback to identify information of greatest use to the public" (n.d., para. 2).

For this assignment, you will search government Web sites to find information related to food safety. In a Word document, answer the following questions:

Question 1: What are the primary federal regulatory organizations responsible for food safety? Be specific. Hint: Start with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Question 2: You are concerned that the eggs you bought at the grocery store might be contaminated. Which federal agency is responsible for ensuring the safety of eggs? Provide the agency name and a phone number or e-mail address for the agency.

Question 3: You are concerned about the safety of some grapes you bought at the store. Which federal agency is responsible for the safety of produce? Hint: The answer to this question is not the same as the answer to question 2. Provide the agency name and a phone number or e-mail address for the agency.

Question 4: You are worried about the pesticides that farmers are using on crops they bring to the local farmers' market. Which federal agency would you contact to find out about the safety of pesticides used on local crops?

Reference no: EM132649102

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