What are the costs and benefits of living in groups

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131560934

Anthropology Discussion


There are around 220 or so species of primate in the world. We will only have time to discuss a few of them in detail, even though all of them are interesting. Using the sites arkive.org , find some information on primate species you think are interesting and share it with your colleagues.


While we will not focus much on early primate evolution, O'Neil includes some great information about the earliest primates in the tutorials. What are some of the things you have learned?


Primates live in a wide variety of social groups. What are the different types of social organization that characterizes the primates? What are some examples of species that live in each type?


What are the costs and benefits of living in groups? How do primates manage the costs of living in groups?


Primate social lives are complex and interesting. What are some of the examples of complex social behaviors seen in primates?


The Smuts article focuses on the importance of friendship in baboons. How does Smuts talk about friendship in baboons? How does she measure it? How do females, males, and infants benefit from their friendships? How does this article challenge some of the assumptions people have about aggression in wild animals and the behavior of females and males?


Reference no: EM131560934

Questions Cloud

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Maintain constant growth-what is current dividend per share : If it’s the company’s policy to always maintain a constant growth rate in its dividends, what is the current dividend per share?
Determine the cost of goods sold : What is Wilkens' inventory turnover ratio for 2017? However based upon the information above how do I determine the cost of goods sold
What are the costs and benefits of living in groups : What are the costs and benefits of living in groups? How do primates manage the costs of living in groups? How do primates manage the costs of living in groups?
Hypothetical pareto improvement criterion : The Benefit-Costs Analysis (BCA) is based on the so-called hypothetical Pareto Improvement criterion.
Does financial literacy play role in retirement planning : Does financial literacy play a role in retirement planning? How can financial literacy and personal characteristics impact the retirement planning process?
Determine the interval where f is decreasing : Aircraft structural integrity among the important factors in determining the structural integrity of an aircraft is its age.
Market consensus value of the required return on stock : Which on of the following is a common term for the market consensus value of the required return on a stock?


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