What are the components of information technology

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Reference no: EM132599162

Answer the following questions:

Question 1: "Accounting is an information-providing activity, so accountants need to understand how the system that provides that information is designed, implemented and used" What are the components of Information Technology IT in accounting system? Give examples?

Question 2: What is the meaning of system, data, and information:

Question 3: What is the role of the accounting, system in the value chain?

Reference no: EM132599162

Questions Cloud

Reflect on your experience with writing résumés : Reflect on your experience with writing résumés. Have you ever written a résumé or cover letter? What parts were challenging for you? What advice can you give.
What debt to equity ratio is : Balance sheet reported total assets of $2.04 million, total liabilities of $0.73 million, and total equity of $1.31 million. Its Debt to equity ratio is
What qualities did the leader possess : Reflect on leaders in your own life (either personally or professionally). Describe one leader who you feel was able to guide diverse teams effectively.
How much is the fringe benefit tax due thereon : In 2018, one of the cars which was acquired at a cost of P400,000 was allowed, How much is the fringe benefit tax due thereon
What are the components of information technology : What is the meaning of system, data, and information and What is the role of the accounting, system in the value chain?
Describe the step of the research process : About 15 years ago, before evidence-based practice became a standard to which to aspire, a professor found an article describing a treatment program.
Compute the amount of dividends declared by S in each year : On Jan 1, 2018 Parent Co (P) acquired 70% of Sub Co (S) for $200,000. Compute the amount of dividends declared by S in each year
Explain how sarah might perceive justin actions : Explain how Sarah might perceive Justin's actions. Explain the ramifications of using social media as an outlet for voicing frustrations about a co-worker.
Show visualisation of the decision-making process : Show visualisation of the decision-making process, and analytics to support the decision making


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