What are the common hr delivery services

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132939320

1. Write down the legislations and regulations that HR managers and line managers should be aware of, in order to run human resources services smoothly.

2. What are the common HR delivery services these days? Select one model and show advantage and disadvantage of that model.

3. How does ethical behavior influence HR practices? What is ethical dilemma?

4. What are the cost factors of a common HR service delivery model? Explain how would you ROI calculation of a service delivery model (write the formula/strategy).
5. What are the key terms of a service level agreement? How would you identify them?

6. How would you identify stress and anxiety in an individual?

7. Multicultural workforce are already a reality in Australia. Why organizations today are adopting a diverse workplace? Explain.

8. What could be the potential threats of outsourcing HR services to a different organization?

9.Think about the current scenario of Human resource services in Australia. Write how do the following external issues impact on current HR services.


Changes in technology

­Skill shortages

Reference no: EM132939320

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