What are the advantages of remaining single

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Reference no: EM132642431

Question 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the major forms of post-marital residence: neolocal, patrilocal, and matrilocal residence. (750-1250 words)

• How would a couple's life be better (and worse) depending on which residence patterns they followed?

• Ultimately, what does it mean to be married in your culture?

• How does this differ from what you have noticed marriage means in other cultures?

Question 2. Discuss cases of marriage resistance (such as the Cantonese example in your text) and also more recent rising numbers of unmarried men and women in the U.S. and across the world. (750-1250 words)

• What are the advantages of remaining single?

• What are the advantages of being married?

• Go to the following website of Unmarried Equality and discuss their current "key facts".

Reference no: EM132642431

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